Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Surprise Meeting....

W got a call this morning from our facilitator telling us that the "administrator" wanted to meet with us before sending our documents off to Kiev. We were told that this is not at all normal, but not to worry. As we drove to the offices, navigating through snow covered streets, our facilitator explained that we were meeting with the head of the child welfare department who had some questions about our ability to care for 3 more kids. As we sat down, the lady was kind, but very direct. She said thank you for having such kind hearts, but then immediately began to ask about our income, our other kids and our ability to care for Elisa, Vanessa, and Eli. We handled the questions well, but the tone took us off guard.

She then began asking about social (government) programs that would be available to help us out. We remembered our facilitator telling us that Ukraine officials were often suspicious of American adoptions thinking that we were doing it for the money or some other benefit from the US government. If only they understood what we were sacrificing and spending to bring these children home. So we were a bit unsure about how to answer. I think we handled the questions well and the meeting ended with a few complimentary words from the administrator. As we parted ways with our facilitator she said everything was ok and for us to pray. We're hoping she meant to pray for our paperwork to get to Kiev quickly, but we didn't ask.

So, for now, we continue to put everything in God's hands and we know that He is in control. He has nothing but good in store for us and the children we came here to adopt. Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support. Leah


  1. We are praying for your family! Hope everyone feels betetr soon! Praying also for the hearts of those in charge there! You guys are doing a wonderful thing for those sweet babies!

  2. I can imagine how dissettling that must have been. We will be praying that God will give you favor with the officials. We know God can enable you but that may be hard for them to understand. Still He can accomplish His will.

  3. I WILL be praying for Tony and for you! Also for the girls, and little Elisas heart to warm up to you.... Sometimes it would be nice to have something in this adoption process go easy huh?!

  4. Hard to convince someone who is so confused about our intentions why we do what we do! And especially when that person has control over what we know is right.

    I'm sure you did a great job, especially since they said some nice things afterward! I'm sure they are a bit suspicious - after all, how many Ukrainians would do what you are doing??

    Everything will be fine. :o) Sounds like your attitude is where it should be, as well. We'll keep praying for you!!

  5. Praying for you guys!! I hope Tony's feeling better and all of you are feeling healthy. I've been praying that feelings of isolation and loneliness would stay away...I know how isolated we felt when we were there. Keep on keeping on! 2010 will be a great year with all of your children under one roof! I know your hearts and am certain that the director could see through to your motivation and hearts as well. Love you guys!

