Saturday, December 19, 2009

More Snow!!!

Today we woke up to even more snow! Our facilitator called early to let us know that the orphanage would be closed yet another day. We were so disappointed not to be able to see our babies for a 3rd straight day and the orphanage is never open to visitors on Sundays. We miss them soooo much and can't wait to hold them and snuggle with them. Monday will not come soon enough for us. We think the snow is supposed to let up for the next few days, so we're praying that the orphanage will be open. If not, we will probably show up anyway and act like we didn't know it was closed. That's not so wrong is it????

So since we could not see the babies, we decided we needed to have a little fun. We went to McDonalds and watched all of the people shoveling snow away from and off of their cars. It was fun getting out of the apartment and seeing everything covered in white. When we got back, Tony and the girls went out to make a snowman, but did not succeed. They had a lot of fun though as I watched them through the window. We then walked over to the market and had a cup of coffee (hot chocolate for the kids). We had to rush home because we were late for a Skype date with our kiddos back home.

We had been Skyping them off and on, but this was the first time in a week when they were all together. It was so good to see their faces and to hear that they were doing well. They are out of school for the holidays and were all excited. Our family back home is doing a great job of taking care of them and making sure this time is special for them. If we're still here for Christmas, we thinking enjoying their Christmas with them via Skype. Kind of silly, but we would love to just watch them open their gifts. Of course, we will have another Christmas with them as soon as we get back home.

Well I've written all that I can about a pretty uneventful day. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and for your encouraging comments and e-mails. We truly love reading all of your comments and are so thankful that so many of you are praying for us. Thanks, Leah.


  1. Wow... the reality of Ukraine in winter!!! ...wait, winter doesn't even begin until Monday, does it??

    I surely hope this doesn't postpone your court date - do you think it will??

    I like the idea of your going to the orphanage on Sunday - maybe they'll make an exception --especially if that mean lady isn't there!!

    How is Tony feeling?? Did he get over his illness? Sounds like he did, if he's making a snowman!

    Hang in there, Leah!! Someday, you'll have quite a story to tell!

  2. I'm so happy that you can see the sweet faces of your babies via Skype! Sounds like they are in good/Gods hands. And, it's wonderful that you all can get out for coffee and cocoa together. Enjoy this time together with your 3 girls...soon enough the time will come when you'll need to stretch both your heart and your laps for those 3 new babies! I Pray that you will get to see them on Monday. Hey, I would show up, too! Hugs from MN. Jo

  3. I hope that means your husband is feeling better. My husband and daughter both got sick there after we went home--not fun. I agree--even though time drags, try to just enjoy your time with your girls to relax before the busyness of traveling to Kiev and home again. We hope you get your court date very soon. God bless you!

